Your Businesses Visibility Affects its Credibility and Profitability

Why do large companies like Apple and Coca Cola invest in being constantly visible?

Many smaller businesses would say, because they have the money and big corporates can afford to pay for advertising on buses, radio, in magazines, on the TV and have a constant social media presence on all platforms.

What impact do you think it would have on their reputation if they didn’t bother with a media presence?

Their customers expect them to have a presence and if they were not able to find any content from the business, then their existing and potential customers would be disappointed. The corporation’s reputation is the preconceived opinion of a collection of people from a variety of backgrounds. So, with no media presence, their client base would start losing trust in the company and their products. This would then lead to a drop in sales that would impact on the corporation’s bottom line.

This is large corporations, so why should smaller companies emulate their investment in marketing?

Most businesses set up because they love the industry they have chosen to work in, or because they know it extremely well. Marketing is a tool where businesses can educate, entertain and engage with their existing and target audience, and this is exactly the reason why every business should take advantage of the opportunities marketing offers.

What opportunities does marketing offer a business?

You set up in business to earn money, whilst enjoying what you do. But marketing and sales may not come naturally to you. Building any type of meaningful relationship takes time, whether it is business or personal and marketing is about building relationships, so it is not something that will happen overnight. Just as we have to learn how to do our own accounts, interview and discipline staff or put together a client contract, we also have to learn how to market our business in an effective manner.

Once you learn how to enhance the power of marketing, be it in magazines or social media, you will see the positive impact on your businesses bottom line.


Social Media - Where is Your Target Market?


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